How to make google chrome default browser over safari
How to make google chrome default browser over safari

how to make google chrome default browser over safari how to make google chrome default browser over safari

Click the General tab in the System Preferences.On your Mac, choose the Apple menu in the top left corner of the screen and click on System Preferences.How to set Safari as default browser On Mac But for those who want the Safari browser to open links as default, not Chrome or any other, here’s what you can do. When you click links in emails and other documents, they will open in your new default browser let’s say Google Chrome. The only thing that is switched is the default behaviour of the browser for opening links. There’s nothing wrong in making browsers as the default, there’s no impact on any browser’s features and functionality if you download and install a new browser. The new browser asks you to set it as a default for opening links and it’s completely fine if you choose to, however, someday you want your default browser back, i.e Safari. Safari is the default browser when you first set up your Mac, but whenever you download and install a new browser on your Mac, it becomes the default browser unexpectedly.

How to make google chrome default browser over safari